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Ed Pawlowski Ed Pawlowski is offline
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Default MW spies, you fell for it?

On 6/28/2017 8:32 PM, Julie Bove wrote:

> I have noticed that. I hate doing stuff on my cell phone. I got the Taco
> Time (local chain) app so I could get discounts and free food. But then
> I discovered that I have to pay using my phone. I'm not going to do
> that, especially since when I do get their food. I almost always use the
> drive through. I have seen people hand over their phones and Starbucks.
> Nope. Not taking the chance of someone dropping my phone. Plus I prefer
> paying with cash. Cash is simple. I can see it in my wallet. I can see
> how much I have. And I can see when I need to stop spending. I know that
> cash is going the way of the wind but... I'm a die hard.

I don't get it either. Anything under $100 I prefer to pay cash.I see
people buying a coffee and using plastic. Given all the data breeches in
the past few years, I just don't want to expose myself if I don't have to.

At a couple of rest stops on Rt95 they had vending machines that
accepted payment by phone. While it may be handy, you paid a premium of
25 or 50 cents. Why make banks rich? I'd rather put the money to use
for me, not them.