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Ed Pawlowski Ed Pawlowski is offline
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Default MW spies, you fell for it?

On 6/28/2017 8:46 PM, Julie Bove wrote:

> I recently checked out fridges. The only side by side I saw listed at
> Lowes in the bisque had the beverage dispenser. I don't want that. Would
> never use it. Had one on the fridge here when we moved in. If you
> pressed on it, a few drops of liquid came out. Condensation? Don't know.
> Wasn't hooked up to anything. The main problem I have is the space for
> the fridge. When I bought mine, it was the only one that would fit in
> that space. I could have gotten a very small one with a top freezer. It
> would have fit in height but would have been far too small for our needs
> and would have left vast spaces on either side of it. Now that I think
> about it, I believe the new stove was slightly wider than the old one.
> Guy had a hard time sliding it in there.

If you want a fridge in bisque you will have a limited selection. Seems
like the store displays are almost all stainless steel. They do exist

We use the water and ice dispensers on our many times a day. I'd not
buy one today without them. While I like the side by side better than a
top freezer, we like the bottom freezer best of all.

Be sure to check the height. When we got our new fridge last year I had
to cut the cabinet above it about an inch.