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sanne[_2_] sanne[_2_] is offline
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Posts: 398
Default MW spies, you fell for it?

Am Donnerstag, 29. Juni 2017 03:24:59 UTC+2 schrieb dsi1:

> There's nothing that speeds up an old computer like throwing everything
> away and starting with a fresh OS.

I did that with my old asus eee pc - netbook, not much memory, small ssds
then. Much too small even for xp soon, so it literally lay around
for years. A few years ago, I installed ubuntu on it - perfect! Well, not
completely, but a new life for a very handy small computer.

> I suppose that's like throwing the baby out with the bathwater but
> then again, it's a fairly hideous baby.

Sometimes (rarely) it is allowed to come out - microsoft has the copyright
on ntfs and the tools to fix problems with that file system fast.
But I don't allow windows to phone home - no lan when it's on!

Bye, Sanne.