MW spies, you fell for it?
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MW spies, you fell for it?
In article >,
> On 6/28/2017 9:16 PM, dsi1 wrote:
> >
> > I was at Walgreens yesterday and commented on the contactless terminal. "Can people make payments using their phones?" She said she thought so. I told her it's kind a scary thing to do. One of these days, I'm gonna pull the lever and use my phone. My guess is that in 5 years or less, most POS payments will be made this way. Yoose guys better get a smart phone pronto.
> >
> There are at least three or four programs that allow you to do that.
> Another thing I've noticed, a lot of stores no longer require you to
> sign when you make a purchase. Twice I paid $300+ and no sig reqired.
America is nearly catching up with the 1980's. Soon you'll have cards
that never require a signature...
Janet UK
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