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Ophelia[_14_] Ophelia[_14_] is offline
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Default MW spies, you fell for it?

"Gary" wrote in message news
On 6/29/2017 4:22 AM, Ophelia wrote:
> I very rarely use cash, I use my debit card. I wouldn't know how to use
> my
> phone for payment. I am not saying it doesn't happen though.

I keep some cash in wallet for small purchases but most times I use my
debit card.

That's how I spent part of my birthday evening yesterday.... 10 debit
receipts and a deposit slip in my wallet. They stay in my wallet until I
sit down and enter them into the checkbook register then add/subtract
them all, then go immediately online to make sure my balance is the same
as the bank balance. It almost always balances immediately (nice). If it
shows different it's always been my math error.

I've never used an ATM where they charge you a fee for money. Most
stores will allow some "cash back" from a purchase if I need a bit more.

I still pay a handful of monthly bills by check/snail mail. I might
change that soon though.


I can't remember when we last used cheques!!

Anyway, come on! What did you treat yourself to for your birthday?)
