Thread: Sprouts, market
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Julie Bove[_2_] Julie Bove[_2_] is offline
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Default Sprouts, market

"Gary" > wrote in message
> On 6/28/2017 10:31 PM, Bruce wrote:
> > Julie wrote:
>>> These don't look like flea bites and both cats have just been to the
>>> vet. So
>>> no fleas. I felt the first bite itching right after I killed a spider
>>> near
>>> my computer. The ones we are seeing are the same. All black and sort of
>>> thick/chunky looking. Perhaps 1/2" from end to end. Others have been
>>> posting
>>> pics of them on FB as they have them too but nobody seems to know what
>>> they
>>> are. I will do some more searching later. So far I turned up no spider
>>> known
>>> to this area that looks like this.

>> I believe that spiders, as opposed to fleas etc., only bite in
>> self-defense, so to have many bites, you must have had many
>> confrontations with them that you didn't notice.

> I do agree with you. Spiders will only bite you in bed if it's under the
> covers and you move and it feels threatened. It's probably some other
> creature and most times it's beneficial to leave spiders alone...they will
> eat the insects that are biting you.

I didn't say that I was bitten in bed. The first time was in my computer
chair. I saw the spider, killed it, then felt the itch. I noticed the marks
on my leg after I got out of the shower. That's all I know for sure.
> - fleas: don't assume no fleas just because both cats have been to the
> vet. Look at the cat's fur carefully and if it has fleas, you will see
> them

There are none. I know how to check cats for them. You usually won't see the
fleas unless there are tons. You will see the "dirt" from them though.
> - bedbugs: as awful as it sounds, check your bedding carefully especially
> on seams. They only seem to come out at night while you are sleeping.

I did check. Saw nothing.
> - bird mites: I got an invasion of those a few years ago. Yard was
> infested with them and I spent 3 days crawling around on the ground
> painting foundation and retaining walls.

Doubtful as my feeders are gone and I try not to spend much time outside.
> Didn't know about them until too late so I carried them home on my
> clothes and got bit all over my body. They even got on both ferrets. It
> was a miserable 3-4 months for all of us.

> Once they bite you, the bite mark and all the itching lasted several
> months. I spent that summer in hell a few years ago. Hundreds of bites on
> me. I got rid of the insects fast but the original bites itched like crazy
> forever.
> And you can't even scratch or you risk opening them up to infection. I
> went an entire spring and summer with very little sleep, entire body
> itching and all I could do was lay there and bear it. oh man.
> Doctor gave me anti-itch cream but it did nothing for me. He also warned
> me not to break down and scratch or risk infection. The only "scratch"
> relief was to take a super hot shower...the hot water simulated scratching
> without rubbing the skin raw. Nightmare on my street, that's for sure.

Mine don't itch any more. Actually the three on the lower leg never did but
there was a burning sensation. They are also flat. No bumps. The one higher
up is a bump. It's possible that whatever is on my lower leg aren't even
bites at all but Angela thought they were. I do have a variety of skin
problems that crop up now and again.