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lucretia lucretia is offline
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Posts: 212
Default MW spies, you fell for it?

On Thu, 29 Jun 2017 21:56:29 GMT, Wayne Boatwright
> wrote:

>On Thu 29 Jun 2017 02:25:04p, Nancy Young told us...
>> On 6/29/2017 1:54 PM, Janet wrote:
>>> In article >,
>>> says...

>>>> I get a laugh at the people who turn on the No One's Home alert
>>>> beacon outside the front door, burning all hours of the day and
>>>> night. What can I say, it's so obvious it amuses me. I always
>>>> know when this one couple has decamped for their Florida
>>>> residence.
>>> :-) We have American neighbours who do that every year, when
>>> :they shut
>>> up their house and return to Florida for the winter. The night
>>> lights on at their home is the signal they've flown, the house is
>>> empty, summer's over.

>> You can't miss it. Burglar 101. Funny.
>> nancy

>When we both worked odd hours we had random cycle timers on several
>indoor lamps that contually alternated their schedules. We had sensor
>triggered floodlights around the entire perimeter of the house, but
>they only turned on if sensing a moving object at least the size of a
>child. I don't know if it was good or bad, but I do know we never had
>a break-in or theft.

Lol I forgot about those, had them at my last house and it was creepy
to be awake when the raccoons triggered them all. Have to add, it
didn't bother them!