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Nancy Young[_8_] Nancy Young[_8_] is offline
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Posts: 2,254
Default MW spies, you fell for it?

On 6/29/2017 5:56 PM, Wayne Boatwright wrote:
> On Thu 29 Jun 2017 02:25:04p, Nancy Young told us...

>> You can't miss it. Burglar 101. Funny.

> When we both worked odd hours we had random cycle timers on several
> indoor lamps that contually alternated their schedules. We had sensor
> triggered floodlights around the entire perimeter of the house, but
> they only turned on if sensing a moving object at least the size of a
> child. I don't know if it was good or bad, but I do know we never had
> a break-in or theft.

We have a flood across the front of the house, it was there
when we moved in and it's nice it isn't pitch black. The
previous owners installed floods all around the house but we
don't use them unless we need them for some reason, then they
are off.

The people behind me installed motion detector floods on the
back of their house, they do the same annoying thing I've seen
in other cases, go on when it's windy or just breezy. Day or

Knock wood nothing goes on around here, most people don't
have security lights and no one breaks into their house, either.
