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Dave Smith[_1_] Dave Smith[_1_] is offline
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Default MW spies, you fell for it?

On 2017-06-30 9:41 AM, jmcquown wrote:

> I guess it's a US thing. A few years ago a couple built a nice house at
> the end of my street. I noticed many times the front of the house was
> lit up like a Christmas tree... *and* they were at home. My next door
> neighbor said, "They're from New York" as if that explained it. But
> then I did talk to the new residents. Sure enough, where they lived
> before if there were darkened rooms it was practically an invitation for
> someone to break in. That is simply not the case here.

Some people seem to be afraid of the dark. When we moved here the
people next to us had a street light installed to illuminate their
driveway. I found it annoying because, being 300 feet down the lane,
the light came in though our bedroom window. The people that bought the
house kept it up only because the light keeps coyotes away. At least,
that was what they thought. The people that moved in two years ago had
that light removed. There are still some outdoor lights to illuminate
the area, but they are almost never on.