"23 Ways Grocery Stores Are Scamming You"
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"23 Ways Grocery Stores Are Scamming You"
wrote in
> ores-are-scamming-you/ss-AAhOUED?li=BBnb7Kz
> I have to say, I hadn't heard about the scams regarding honey, olive
> oil, or eggs. Most of the others I already knew.
> And #15 isn't MY experience - if I only want one instead of 10 for
> $10, I pay only $1. If that isn't the case, they make that clear
> before I buy.
> Btw, one time, at Boston Harbor, I saw sandwiches on plates that said
> "Sample Only." I suggested they change the sign to "Example Only,"
> since most people think "sample" means "freebie."
> Or maybe they could buy plastic food for displays and save on food?
> Lenona.
The one I hate is the rearranging the store. I'm not sure if all
Wal-Marts do that but the one near me does it contantly.
I do sometimes get the sample item (it's almost always on sale when
they do that).
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