"Gary" wrote in message news
On 6/29/2017 8:03 PM, Bruce wrote:
> On Thu, 29 Jun 2017 18:54:34 -0500, "cshenk" > wrote:
>> It's ok! I might have missed it too. It may be there *now* but at the
>> time, that HUGE isle that seemed to have 100 versions or more of
>> 'Jellies/Jams' didn't have it.
>> Conversely, you'd be disappointed at the standard USA jelly/jam isle.
>> There is far less variety here.
>> Check for me? I think Apple Butter was also not there in OZ? Might
>> take a little google link to explain that one. It's not the same as
>> apple sauce but something you spread on toast. I do not recall seeing
>> it.
> I've never seen it or heard of it, but I've only lived in Australia
> for 12 years or so.
You've never heard of apple butter, so common in usa grocery stores
forever. I haven't bought any in 100 years but I do remember liking it.
Spread on buttered toast just like you would do with jam or jelly.
It's pretty good but nothing to run right out to try.
I've heard of apple butter, but I've never seen any
Mind you, I can't say I've looked for it either <g>