"23 Ways Grocery Stores Are Scamming You"
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"23 Ways Grocery Stores Are Scamming You"
On 6/30/2017 12:42 PM,
> I have to say, I hadn't heard about the scams regarding honey, olive oil, or eggs. Most of the others I already knew.
> And #15 isn't MY experience - if I only want one instead of 10 for $10, I pay only $1. If that isn't the case, they make that clear before I buy.
#15 isn't in my experience, either. I don't have a problem being
scammed by any of that stuff. I certainly know BOGO doesn't mean you
have to buy TWO. Get one for half price. You definitely don't have to
buy 10 of whatever. I don't buy pre-cut produce. I prefer fresh and
cut it at home. That's what I have knives for.
I don't use olive oil for every little thing so I don't worry about what
it being "cut" with other oils.
I tend to stick to my shopping list. As for everything eye level on the
shelf influencing me... nope. Many items I purchase are below or above
eye level. Took me a while to find the pearled barley because I had to
stoop to find it. LOL Ditto jarred artichoke bottoms, placed slightly
above my head.
These articles you post are always a tad strange.
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