Thread: Sprouts, market
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Default Sprouts, market

Ophelia > wrote:
> "Gary" wrote in message news >
> On 6/29/2017 8:03 PM, Bruce wrote:
>> On Thu, 29 Jun 2017 18:54:34 -0500, "cshenk" > wrote:
>>> It's ok! I might have missed it too. It may be there *now* but at the
>>> time, that HUGE isle that seemed to have 100 versions or more of
>>> 'Jellies/Jams' didn't have it.
>>> Conversely, you'd be disappointed at the standard USA jelly/jam isle.
>>> There is far less variety here.
>>> Check for me? I think Apple Butter was also not there in OZ? Might
>>> take a little google link to explain that one. It's not the same as
>>> apple sauce but something you spread on toast. I do not recall seeing
>>> it.

>> I've never seen it or heard of it, but I've only lived in Australia
>> for 12 years or so.

> You've never heard of apple butter, so common in usa grocery stores
> forever. I haven't bought any in 100 years but I do remember liking it.
> Spread on buttered toast just like you would do with jam or jelly.
> It's pretty good but nothing to run right out to try.
> ===
> I've heard of apple butter, but I've never seen any
> Mind you, I can't say I've looked for it either <g>

I live in a large metropolitan area where most everyone knows what apple
butter is (my generation and older, at least), but I've only rarely seen it
in grocery stores (it's more of a specialty store item). For me, it's
something people make and can themselves, not buy.

jinx the minx