On 2017-06-30 1:27 PM, cshenk wrote:
> wrote in rec.food.cooking:
>> http://www.msn.com/en-us/foodanddrin...ays-grocery-st
>> ores-are-scamming-you/ss-AAhOUED?li=BBnb7Kz
>> I have to say, I hadn't heard about the scams regarding honey, olive
>> oil, or eggs. Most of the others I already knew.
>> And #15 isn't MY experience - if I only want one instead of 10 for
>> $10, I pay only $1. If that isn't the case, they make that clear
>> before I buy.
>> Btw, one time, at Boston Harbor, I saw sandwiches on plates that said
>> "Sample Only." I suggested they change the sign to "Example Only,"
>> since most people think "sample" means "freebie."
>> Or maybe they could buy plastic food for displays and save on food?
>> Lenona.
> The one I hate is the rearranging the store. I'm not sure if all
> Wal-Marts do that but the one near me does it contantly.
You have to understand that there are people in the corporation with
marketing credentials who spend a lot of time analyzing sales and
shopping patterns and their jobs depend on making changes and coming up
with changes that will increase sales of particular item. Then they will
have to analyze the results of their changes and come up with
explanations about why that didn't work. It keeps them in a job
I do much of our shopping in a family run grocery store. That doesn't
happen there. As you come into the store the front half of the wall on
the left is lined with items on special. Then there are more sale items
at the back of the bunkers closest to the meat cooler and deli counter.
Those products are constantly changing, but they are always the places
to look for the specials. The rest of the stock remains more or less
static. Some of the brands may change, but they will be in the same
They cater to a very dedicated group of shoppers, many of whom don't
need the aggravation of trying to locate everything they want every few
weeks. Besides, the store has only three (double sided) rows of
shelves, cooler on one side and freezers on the other. Re-organizing
every few weeks would likely not be worthwhile.