Thread: Sprouts, market
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Julie Bove[_2_] Julie Bove[_2_] is offline
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Default Sprouts, market

"jinx the minx" > wrote in message

> I live in a large metropolitan area where most everyone knows what apple
> butter is (my generation and older, at least), but I've only rarely seen
> it
> in grocery stores (it's more of a specialty store item). For me, it's
> something people make and can themselves, not buy.

I think availability depends on where you live. It's readily available in PA
and NY. You can get it here in WA, but I don't know that every store has it.
I was surprised to see that Walmart had perhaps the smallest selection of
jams and such that I'd ever seen. Plenty of counter space dedicated to the
stuff but it was still mostly strawberry jam or grape jelly.