Thread: Sprouts, market
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Ophelia[_14_] Ophelia[_14_] is offline
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Default Sprouts, market

"Bruce" wrote in message ...

On Fri, 30 Jun 2017 15:12:59 -0700, "Julie Bove"
> wrote:

>"Bruce" > wrote in message
.. .
>> On Fri, 30 Jun 2017 16:10:05 -0500, jinx the minx
>> > wrote:
>>>Ophelia > wrote:
>>>> "Gary" wrote in message news >>>>
>>>> You've never heard of apple butter, so common in usa grocery stores
>>>> forever. I haven't bought any in 100 years but I do remember liking it.
>>>> Spread on buttered toast just like you would do with jam or jelly.
>>>> It's pretty good but nothing to run right out to try.
>>>> ===
>>>> I've heard of apple butter, but I've never seen any
>>>> Mind you, I can't say I've looked for it either <g>
>>>I live in a large metropolitan area where most everyone knows what apple
>>>butter is (my generation and older, at least), but I've only rarely seen
>>>in grocery stores (it's more of a specialty store item). For me, it's
>>>something people make and can themselves, not buy.

>> I'm from a country with lots of apple trees, where apple sauce is
>> children's second most popular food item after mother's milk, but I've
>> never heard of or seen apple butter.
>> So you're all making it up.

>It all started in Germany.

Oh, appelstroop! I know that, but I know it as apple molasses or apple
treacle. Very traditional stuff to put on bread or pancakes.


Yes! I know appelstroop) Ahh no, I don't like it, as you say it is like

I was imagining a very thick apple sauce.
