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Ophelia[_14_] Ophelia[_14_] is offline
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Default Recipe: Vinaigrette, was: Hampton Creek "Recall"

"dsi1" wrote in message

> But that isn't the only thing you cook!!!!
> --

I'm making horchata and roast pork at the moment. The pork belly was slashed
and a dry rub of salt, sugar, and 5 spice, was massaged in. I'll roast it in
a hot oven for around 20 minutes and finish it off in a slow one. The skin
will be finished off under the broiler if it looks like it needs to.

I had a meat pie a short while ago. It tasted funny. I guess that's what
happens when you leave a meat pie out for a few days. Hopefully I won't die
from food poisoning. Also, it needed a bit more salt. :Q


I rest my case! As for that pie, if it had been out for a few days ... I
wouldn't touch it with a bargepole!
