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jmcquown[_2_] jmcquown[_2_] is offline
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Default My 600 Pound Life - Who Pays?

On 7/1/2017 12:30 PM, Wayne Boatwright wrote:
> On Sat 01 Jul 2017 06:49:18a, Ophelia told us...
>> "Wayne Boatwright" wrote in message
>> 9.45...
>> On Sat 01 Jul 2017 06:09:24a, jmcquown told us...
>>> On 7/1/2017 8:14 AM, Wayne Boatwright wrote:
>>>> On Sat 01 Jul 2017 05:09:24a, jmcquown told us...
>>>>> On 6/30/2017 12:33 PM, wrote:
>>>>>> Considering how small an amount is in a packet (3 oz.) ramen
>>>>>> is no worse than a serving of plain pasta... and most normal
>>>>>> folks eat pasta with sauce that contains fat, probably twice
>>>>>> as much fat than is in ramen. I think ramen makes a fairly
>>>>>> low calorie carbo meal... garlic, celery, onion and mushrooms
>>>>>> add few calories compared to pasta with
>>>>>> sauce/meatballs/cheese. I've seen folks at Italian
>>>>>> restaurants and before the meal arrives they're wolfing down
>>>>>> warm Italian bread like it's going out of style and slathered
>>>>>> with butter... and that's before they dig into a bottomless
>>>>>> platter of ****ghetties swimming in some sort of olive oyl
>>>>>> sauce. People are too quick to give ramen a bum rap.
>>>>> Ramen was an example, not intended to be singled out as the
>>>>> food to blame for anyone weighing 600 lbs.
>>>>> Still, spaghetti with nicely seasoned tomato sauce is so much
>>>>> more tasty than ramen. BTW, there are vegetables in the red
>>>>> sauce/gravy I make. A sprinkling of freshly grated Parmesan is
>>>>> a bonus! I can't speak for what others do but personally I
>>>>> don't pig out on bread with butter or dipped in olive oil.
>>>>> Spaghetti and sauce (preferably with nicely spiced sausage) is
>>>>> enough.
>>>>> Jill
>>>> We sometimes have French or Italian bread with our spaghetti
>>>> with meat sauce, although we tend to keep the portions of both
>>>> fairly low.
>>>> We know a couple, both Italian, that have some form of pasta
>>>> every day and usually in more than the average portion. Both
>>>> are very slender. I don't see how. :-)
>>> Metabolism? Activity level?

>> Perhaps they have higher metabolisms. I don't believe they have
>> particularly high activity levels.
>>> Don't get me wrong, I love garlic bread! But I don't make it
>>> every time I cook spaghetti. I'm also slender. According to my
>>> doctor (just had a check-up last week) my weight is just right @
>>> about 120 lbs.
>>> I don't go out of my way to avoid carbs. I love bread. I love
>>> pasta. I love potatoes. I just don't eat them to excess. I
>>> don't think I could possibly weigh 600 lbs.
>>> Jill

>> I certainly don't think you could eiher. David is slender, and I
>> have a few extra poinds. I cannot conceive of weighing 600
>> pounds. I'm uncomfortable if I even approach 200 pounds.
>> Most of these 600 pounders were chubby as children and just kept
>> gaining continually. They're usually totally inactive and might
>> have slow metalisms, but for they most part they simply eat in
>> incredible excess. When the doctor has mentioned it he has said
>> that most of these people eat 10,000 calories or more every day.
>> Wayne Boatwright
>> ==
>> I have been seeing something I hadn't seen at all in my youth.
>> Very fat children Now it's fat teenagers never seen without a
>> bottle of something in their hands.
>> It seems they can't move without a drink

> Or a phone. :-(

Oh dear. LOL Heaven forbid we lose our phone!
