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Bruce[_28_] Bruce[_28_] is offline
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Default Sprouts, market

On Sat, 01 Jul 2017 10:19:10 -0300, lucretia
> wrote:

>On Sat, 01 Jul 2017 22:22:36 +1000, Bruce >
>>You said sending children to sports clubs was very expensive. I said
>>that, when I was a child, I didn't need a sports club. I just played
>>football on the street. You said my age was showing, because these
>>days it's way too dangerous for children to play on the street. They
>>always have to be under supervision.
>>It went something like that.

>I know you cannot produce that post because it goes against everything
>I believe. Yes, I would have said sports for kids are very expensive
>these days, David introduced soccer for kids here in 1968 when we were
>horrified that locally the sports group wanted to raise $3,000 to put
>together a baseball team. David said 'send me your kids, I'll bring
>a ball and I will send you home tired kids' - they played shirts and
>skins and within two years over a thousand kids were playing.
>Sadly I was recently horrified to see how expensive soccer for kids
>is, not the original, inclusive idea.

I'll see if I can find it later. There are no unique keywords to
search for, which makes it hard. I already tried.

By the way, it's not that I want to dig up that discussion. I'm just
trying to make clear that I wasn't lying.