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Default My 600 Pound Life - Who Pays?

On Sat, 1 Jul 2017 08:09:24 -0400, jmcquown >

>On 6/30/2017 12:33 PM, wrote:
>> On Fri, 30 Jun 2017 10:28:10 -0400, jmcquown >
>> wrote:
>>> On 6/26/2017 3:35 PM, Gary wrote:
>>>> On 6/26/2017 12:15 PM, Ophelia wrote:
>>>>> I don't really know what ramen is though so I am just assuming it slides
>>>>> down without the eater noticing or feeling full!
>>>> Plain ramen is a little calorie high but cheap to buy. The new trend is
>>>> to add lots of veggies to it. Not a new trend though as I've always
>>>> added things to it.
>>> The problem (as I understand it) with instant ramen noodles is they are
>>> deep fried first. Cook for 3 minutes, add that salty seasoning pack and
>>> whatever else you want. The ramen noodles alone are packed with fat and
>>> calories but very little else. Veggies add some nutrients but overall,
>>> ramen noodles is just cheap and filling, not healthy.
>>> Jill

>> Considering how small an amount is in a packet (3 oz.) ramen is no
>> worse than a serving of plain pasta... and most normal folks eat pasta
>> with sauce that contains fat, probably twice as much fat than is in
>> ramen. I think ramen makes a fairly low calorie carbo meal... garlic,
>> celery, onion and mushrooms add few calories compared to pasta with
>> sauce/meatballs/cheese. I've seen folks at Italian restaurants and
>> before the meal arrives they're wolfing down warm Italian bread like
>> it's going out of style and slathered with butter... and that's before
>> they dig into a bottomless platter of ****ghetties swimming in some
>> sort of olive oyl sauce. People are too quick to give ramen a bum
>> rap.

>Ramen was an example, not intended to be singled out as the food to
>blame for anyone weighing 600 lbs.
>Still, spaghetti with nicely seasoned tomato sauce is so much more tasty
>than ramen.

I don't think of it that way. Just as often I prefer an Oriental type
dish, tastes just as good, takes less time and effort to prepare, and
a great way to incorperate left overs.

>BTW, there are vegetables in the red sauce/gravy I make.

True, mine too, but I use many more and more types of veggies in an
Oriental dish. When I see fresh Oriental veggies at market I'll buy a
cornicopia of kinds I can't use otherwise... I like all the various
Oriental veggies; especially the greens like various
lettuses/cabbages, I like daikon raw and cooked until still crisp. I
also grow some Oriental veggies.

>A sprinkling of freshly grated Parmesan is a bonus! I can't speak for
>what others do but personally I don't pig out on bread with butter or
>dipped in olive oil. Spaghetti and sauce (preferably with nicely spiced
>sausage) is enough.

I don't eat much bread either, very little butter, and I
rarely eat cakes/cookies. I'm also not much of a sweets eater. As
I've gotten older I don't have much appetite for sweets and baked
goods anymore, when I crave something sweet I much prefer fresh fruit.
I used to love ice cream but now I can't remember the last time I ate
any. I don't eat much cheese or any dairy anymore either. I've
become mostly a meat, veggies, and fresh fruit eater. I know you
don't care for salads or raw veggies but those are my favorites... I
enjoy a salad most every day, and typically it will contain some 20
different veggies. I even like several canned veggies; beets, beans,
corn (both niblets and creamed), last week Le Sueur peas were on sale
at $1/per so I bought five... haven't eaten them for quite some time,
they are superb right from the can. I even like canned spinach,
canned asparagus too only they are too expensive so I may buy one can
in winter. Right now I'm looking forward to my vegetable garde n
crops, especially the melons. Now that I've eaten home grown vine
ripened I'm so desappointed in stupdmarket melons, they are like
eating wet cardboard, no flavor and especially no perfumey aroma.
Anyone can finds a small spot to grown melons do it, you won't be
disappointed. I planted cataloupe and honeydew, and also icebox
watermelon. There's no perfume sold that smells sexier than a vine
ripened honeydew. Those at market are picked way prematurely so they
can be shipped without damage, and once picked melons do not ripen...
what people who leave them out on the counter are smelling is
fermentation, rot.
.. The one canned veggie I can't stomach are potatoes, they don't seem
real to me, I feel like I'm eating wax display potatoes.