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dsi1[_17_] dsi1[_17_] is offline
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Default Sausage recipe I

On Saturday, July 1, 2017 at 4:42:16 PM UTC-10, Ed Pawlowski wrote:
> On 7/1/2017 9:34 PM, dsi1 wrote:
> >
> > I didn't quote anything. Google Groups automatically does the quoting but hides the quotes from the user. I don't know why all the newsreaders don't do that. It's a very clean and clear interface. I'll trim the posts but only as a courtesy - it's not really going to do a thing for me.
> >

> But it does a lot for the rest of us. That is one reason I'd not use GG.

The real reason you don't use Google Groups is that a long time ago, yoose guys got conned into believing that GG was going to ruin Usenet and the rest is history. Bad, sad, history. Yoose guys don't even have a rational reason for your behavior. Your above paragraph doesn't make any sense. I use GG because it does a lot for me. I can post and read faster and the topics are more clearly laid out than on my Thunderbird reader. These days I hate opening up Thunderbird - it's too slow and messy. I can also access my subscribed groups on any computer I'm at. Your rationale is that I should drive a Model T because it would sure help you guys driving Model Ts out. I ain't buying it.