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dsi1[_17_] dsi1[_17_] is offline
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Default Recipe: Vinaigrette, was: Hampton Creek "Recall"

On Saturday, July 1, 2017 at 5:30:44 PM UTC-10, Julie Bove wrote:
> "dsi1" <> wrote in message
> ...
> I suppose that adding a bit more salt may have kept it from going bad. It's
> interesting how foods transforms when left out. That pie was kind of slimy
> but tasteless. Not being able to taste when food turns is a danger of losing
> your sense of taste - or is being able to eat anything a super power?
> I don't know a thing about barges or bargepoles but I'm guessing a bargepole
> is pretty long. That's funny!
> ---
> Years ago, Safeway sold pizza bread in their bakery. Some had cheese and
> some had cheese and pepperoni. It was never refrigerated. And I have known
> people to make something similar with meat on it. They don't refrigerate it.
> I often wonder about some things. Pie and cake for instance. I do know that
> some kinds of frosting would need to be refrigerated and some pie fillings
> and toppings like pudding and whipped cream. But then you see those cakes
> with the Crisco type frosting or regular old fruit pies. Some refrigerated.
> Some not. Sometimes even in the same store. Why?

What I'd like is a home irradiation unit. You'd put your wrapped foods in there and they'd get zapped with gamma rays i.e., sterilized. No refrigeration needed! As far as cakes and pies goes, perhaps high amounts of sugar makes these products unsuitable for the growth of microorganisms. Actually, I have no clue as to how that works. Yours is a good question.