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Ophelia[_14_] Ophelia[_14_] is offline
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Default "23 Ways Grocery Stores Are Scamming You"

"Julie Bove" wrote in message news

"Ophelia" > wrote in message
> I have a bunch of canned corn from Costco. They were probably cheap but I
> have to start eating that stuff! I vow to use at least one can tomorrow
> but using it all up is going to be tough!
> ===
> I am sure you can find some recipe to use them in

I grew up eating canned tomatoes and I think they're fine as a side
vegetable but the other two that live here are less than thrilled with them
like that. So when I do use them, it's mainly for something like macaroni,
beef and tomatoes which I don't make often because I ate too much of it as a
child and because again, the other two are not thrilled with it. Or in a

But... Fresh tomatoes are something I almost always keep in the house. And
if they look like they're starting to go bad, I will put them in a soup. Now
it is rare these days that I have leftover cooked vegetables in the fridge.
I used to when Angela was smaller and ate less. So I could easily do a small
batch of soup with just leftover stuff and perhaps some added onion and
celery. Or even a leftover dish such as chicken and rice or pot roast. If
there was only a little left, it was easy to add some other things to make a
soup. So I found not much need for canned tomatoes. I do still buy them but
now it's more like one or two cans a year. Not a whole case.


Corn is the only canned food we like which I am not interested in cooking
from scratch.

I don't use too many canned tomatoes because I grow plum tomatoes, but they
are very handy.
