Sprouts, market
Wayne Boatwright > wrote:
> On Mon 03 Jul 2017 08:38:22a, S Viemeister told us...
>> On 7/2/2017 4:53 PM, jinx the minx wrote:
>>> I'm surprised that the older I get, the more I start making
>>> things I ate during my childhood, even things I never liked back
>>> then. My mother always gets a curious chuckle when I ask her for
>>> recipes of things she made that I ranted how much I hated growing
>>> up. :-)
> My mother taught me to cook and bake at an early age. She was always
> happy to see that I made them after I left home and lived on my own.
My mom did as well, and I was always thankful for that. My best friend up
the street and I were regularly baking cookies and cakes completely on our
own by the time we were 8. Good times.
jinx the minx