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Default "23 Ways Grocery Stores Are Scamming You"

On Sun, 02 Jul 2017 23:40:10 -0400, Doris Night
> wrote:

>On Sun, 2 Jul 2017 10:01:43 -0400, Gary > wrote:
>>On 7/2/2017 6:04 AM, Julie Bove wrote:
>>> But... Fresh tomatoes are something I almost always keep in the house.
>>> And if they look like they're starting to go bad, I will put them in a
>>> soup.

>>Nice garden fresh tomatoes can be chopped up and frozen for many months.
>>Use to make a nice spaghetti sauce during the winter when stores only
>>sell lousy tomatoes. They freeze well and retain that garden taste.

>I blanche, peel, and freeze all of the roma tomatoes my husband grows.
>In ziploc bags, about 8-10 tomatoes to a bag.
>I use them in soup, stew, chili, etc.

That dosen't make sense. I grow lots of romas but I turn them into
sauce *before* freezing... as a sauce they take lots less freezer
space and are ready for whatever. I see no benefit whatsoever in
freezing whole tomatoes as they come off the vine, with cores, skins,
and seeds. I'd think a year later when new tomatoes are ready those
frozen ones end up in the compost bin or more likely in the trash...
and then the tomato wasting cycle repeats itself.