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Doris Night[_3_] Doris Night[_3_] is offline
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Posts: 721
Default "23 Ways Grocery Stores Are Scamming You"

On Mon, 03 Jul 2017 16:47:40 -0400, wrote:

>On Sun, 02 Jul 2017 23:40:10 -0400, Doris Night
> wrote:
>>On Sun, 2 Jul 2017 10:01:43 -0400, Gary > wrote:
>>>On 7/2/2017 6:04 AM, Julie Bove wrote:
>>>> But... Fresh tomatoes are something I almost always keep in the house.
>>>> And if they look like they're starting to go bad, I will put them in a
>>>> soup.
>>>Nice garden fresh tomatoes can be chopped up and frozen for many months.
>>>Use to make a nice spaghetti sauce during the winter when stores only
>>>sell lousy tomatoes. They freeze well and retain that garden taste.

>>I blanche, peel, and freeze all of the roma tomatoes my husband grows.
>>In ziploc bags, about 8-10 tomatoes to a bag.
>>I use them in soup, stew, chili, etc.

>That dosen't make sense. I grow lots of romas but I turn them into
>sauce *before* freezing... as a sauce they take lots less freezer
>space and are ready for whatever. I see no benefit whatsoever in
>freezing whole tomatoes as they come off the vine, with cores, skins,
>and seeds. I'd think a year later when new tomatoes are ready those
>frozen ones end up in the compost bin or more likely in the trash...
>and then the tomato wasting cycle repeats itself.

The skins and cores come off the tomatoes before freezing. (If you had
read my post you might have seen that.) When tomatoes are on, I have
neither the time nor the inclination to make tomato sauce. Freezing
them in ziploc bags works fine for me. At the moment, I believe I have
only 2 bags left in the freezer from last year.