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U.S. Janet B. U.S. Janet B. is offline
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Default russets for potato salad?

On Tue, 04 Jul 2017 01:19:07 GMT, Wayne Boatwright
> wrote:

>On Mon 03 Jul 2017 05:39:03p, Cheri told us...
>> "ImStillMags" > wrote in message
>> ...
>>> On Sunday, July 2, 2017 at 4:39:54 PM UTC-7, U.S. Janet B. wrote:
>>>> this was a topic here some years ago and I was surprised how
>>>> many people do use russets. (found out that's how my
>>>> mother-in-law makes hers) I had never heard of such a thing.
>>>> Janet US
>>> there are a myriad of potato salad recipes and lots of different
>>> kinds of potatoes are used. who cares which one you use. If
>>> you like your version......great. Use the potato you like.
>>> Why does everyone think that their way is the only way.

>> That is the question to ponder. Why do people think that? I made a
>> small potato salad today using russets, never have had them come
>> out mushy. DH likes potato salad made with canned potatoes, I
>> don't, but I do make it for him occasionally. Who can judge what
>> others like, but just like opinions, food tastes can't be wrong.
>> Cheri

>I certainly don't think like that. I make a variety of potato salads
>according to what appeals to me at the time. The only exception for
>me is using canned poatoes. I can't stand the texture or the flavor.

Now that I think about it, I do a sort of cross over. In recent years
I have occasionally been making mashed potatoes from red potatoes. I
leave them skins on, roughly mash them and mix them with butter, milk,
sour cream and horseradish. Those are mighty fine mashed potatoes.
I think I just became accustomed to certain texture for potato salad
and mashed potatoes.
Janet US