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Default russets for potato salad?

Wayne Boatwright wrote:
>Cheri wrote:
>> "Julie Bove"wrote:
>>> "Wayne Boatwright" wrote:
>>>> I certainly don't think like that. I make a variety of potato
>>>> salads according to what appeals to me at the time. The only
>>>> exception for me is using canned poatoes. I can't stand the
>>>> texture or the flavor.
>>> I do like them but only once in a while. Have to be in the mood
>>> Not sure I would want them in potato salad though but never
>>> tried them that way.

>> DH loves them in a potato salad, I don't.
>> Cheri

> David likes them, but I won't even buy them.
> He has to do the buying himself.

Can't get any more low life faggoty behavior.

My wife likes many foods I don't like but I've never refused to buy
those items. I also like many foods she doesn't like but she has
never refused to buy those items. Whoever goes shopping buys whatever
is on the list, no faggoty dictatorship here... never even occurs to
us not to buy whatever for each other... and grocery shopping is the
one thing we rarely do together, only because she likes to take a
whole day going from store to store plus making detours to clothing
shops etc. When I grocery shop I make quick work of it, I don't like
strolling up and down each aisle where I know there is nothing I want.

Now we all know that Davida is the subjugated female in the

My brother is a flaming faggot so I've witnessed many faggoty
relationships, one is always Dominate, Domineering, and Disgusting.