New Guy Alert
On 7/4/2017 10:12 AM, U.S. Janet B. wrote:
> On Tue, 4 Jul 2017 07:33:40 -0500, Terry Coombs >
> wrote:
>> On 7/4/2017 4:06 AM, Julie Bove wrote:
>>> "U.S. Janet B." > wrote in message
>>> ...
>>>> On Mon, 3 Jul 2017 23:27:04 -0700, "Julie Bove"
>>>> > wrote:
>>>>> "Bruce" > wrote in message
>>>>> ...
>>>>>> On Mon, 03 Jul 2017 23:00:08 -0600, U.S. Janet B. >
>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>> On Mon, 3 Jul 2017 22:19:01 -0500, Terry Coombs >
>>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>>> But several here will recognize my name from other groups . I came
>>>>>>>> looking for a baking group , found this one after determining the
>>>>>>>> baking
>>>>>>>> group I found hasn't had a new post since last year ...
>>>>>>>> I was looking for some advice about whole wheat bread , ended up
>>>>>>>> making a couple of batches of "half-wheat" instead . I subbed
>>>>>>>> about half
>>>>>>>> of the white flour in my favorite bread recipe with stone ground
>>>>>>>> wheat
>>>>>>>> flour , and it turned out pretty good . I also had to add a
>>>>>>>> couple of
>>>>>>>> tablespoons extra water to get the right consistency .
>>>>>>>> I do most of the cooking here , and am always on the lookout for
>>>>>>>> something new ... in particular , the wife has had a
>>>>>>>> recommendation to
>>>>>>>> get more fiber in her diet (that's why the half-wheat bread) ,
>>>>>>>> and I'll
>>>>>>>> be looking for dishes that will help with that . Beans are a good
>>>>>>>> source
>>>>>>>> of fiber , but there are only so many ways you can cook beans ...
>>>>>>>> --
>>>>>>>> Snag
>>>>>>> get help with this at This is not a recipe
>>>>>>> exchange group. It is a group that is meant to share and help each
>>>>>>> other. Not a very busy group in the summer.
>>>>>> Huh?
>>>>> Doesn't seem any less busy to me. And I seem to remember a recent
>>>>> exchange
>>>>> of potato salad recipes.
>>>> your cognitive abilities have not improved during your hiatus.
>>>> Do not screw things up for a newcomer.
>>>> The OP is directed to
>>> Hey wait! I thought the OTHER Janet was in charge. Or maybe it was Roy?
>>> And how did I screw anything up for him?
>> You didn't , but I suspect Janet might have a control problem after
>> reading some of her (?) other posts ... I don't get "directed" anywhere
>> , though I do appreciate suggestions .
>> --
>> Snag
> Consider the offer of help at a bread group withdrawn. I am so sorry
> you found offense at the word directed that was used to clarify for
> another poster. With your current post you have shown just exactly
> the kind of person you are. BTW, are you aware there are several
> Janet here?
> Have fun with Julie.
> Janet US
Too late ... and I know very little about this group or the dynamics
.. If it's like most every other group I read , there are a couple of
sour grapes that generally cause problems . I felt the use of "directed"
to be dismissive . I'll figure out who the trolls are as we go along ,
shouldn't be that hard .