New Guy Alert
On 2017-07-05 12:28 PM, Gary wrote:
> Wow...seriously? Best that you dump me too then. You are not the nice
> person that I thought you were. You occasionally indicate a very evil
> streak. You've even totally freaked when JanetUK just mentions something
> to you. She teases many here but one mention of you and you go
> ballistic. You might want to add me to your KF. I will always remember
> your friendly side and will try to forget your dark side.
> Most people here have to "run the gauntlet" and get picked on
> occasionally. You either run away or stand fast and fight back. People
> here that use a killfile are babies that just can't deal with real life.
Poppycock. Filters are a great way to skip the worst of the bullshit. It
saves the user the frustration of dealing with contemptiblly
belligerent fools and the amazingly idiotic compulsive posters.
> If you need a KF, just run with hands over butt and hope facebook RFC
> will welcome you. It's so much safer there.
It is so much easier to use a filter and avoid the 50 or more posts that
some people make. It can also cut out the 50 replies from those who
compulsively reply to everything. It removes some of the regular trolls.