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Default russets for potato salad?

barbie gee told us...
>> On Mon, 3 Jul 2017, tert in seattle wrote:
>>> U.S Janet B wrote:
>>>> this was a topic here some years ago and I was surprised how
>>>> many people do use russets. (found out that's how my
>>>> mother-in-law makes hers) I had never heard of such a thing.
>>>> Janet US
>>> for me boiled russets are only good for mashing

>> waxy are better for potato salad.
>> Russets are better for mashed.

Depends on how cooked and how mashed.

Waxy potatoes make excellent mashed, but need to be baked rather than
boiled... and most people beat potatoes to death and call them
mashed... whipped potatoes are NOT mashed potatoes... a potato ricer
works best however I prefer lumps so I mash mine in my plate using a

Russets make great potato salad but be sure to start in cold water,
don't over cook, cool quickly, and allow to dry in the fridge prior to
slicing... also be sure to have all potatoes the same size when
cooking whether baked or boiled. All boiled root vegetables need to
be started in cold water or the exteriors will become mush while the
interiors are still raw.