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Cheri[_3_] Cheri[_3_] is offline
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Default What happened to Sun Dried Tomatoes?

"cshenk" > wrote in message
> Cheri wrote in

>> We all refer to our significant others, our pets, grandkids, etc. I
>> refer to mine as dh and do it often. I enjoy hearing about David and
>> food preferences of both of you. I also enjoy hearing about Ed's
>> wife, Carol's daughter, Ophelia's husband, and on down the line from
>> all the posters.
>> Cheri

> I agree, when folks keep it polite, I like to hear about one another's
> family. I also rejoice in people finding one another and don't care at
> all if it is a match that isn't the norm, as long as it works for them.
> Meantime here's a simple one. Don just had another tooth pulled today.
> He's never had good teeth and the toothpaste in Vietam era given to the
> army guys may be least part of it I gather? Either way, like many at
> his age, he is headed to full dentures eventually.
> So, feeding him simple stuff tonight. Sashimi tuna with worstershire
> and soy sauce for dipping, and a can of asparagus tips (he likes the
> canned ones better generally). He's not super hungry but needs
> something.
> I left him lots of choices for tomorrow when I am at work too as he
> won't feel like cooking. A simple 'rice porridge' with small cut
> fishball and fake crab stuff, hard boiled eggs, a bread pudding that
> isnt too sweet (can be eaten cold or warmed just a bit), a jar of
> watermelon pickles (soft and easy and something his mother used to make
> all the time and put up for the winter), a bottle of rum and some pepsi
> ;-)
> I bet I come home to 1/2 bottle of rum, a few cans of pepsi, and him
> asking me if there's more watermelon pickles!

I sympathize with him. I hope he does well, no fun for sure. When dh had his
wisdon teeth pulled, lots of milkshakes, and like your Don, a few good belts
of whiskey instead of rum though, refused pain pills. As far as lifestyles
go, I really could not be more happy when others are happy with their
choices when it comes to loving someone.
