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U.S. Janet B. U.S. Janet B. is offline
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Default spaking of radishes..... REC: daikon au gratin

On 7 Jul 2017 16:55:33 GMT, notbob > wrote:

>On 2017-07-07, U.S Janet B > wrote:
>> you need to explain the sandwich in detail.

>Actually, I do NOT. There are plenty of websites that will explain it
>better than I:
>For example, I know what you mean about "mustard coated sardines", but
>never considered them for use in a banh-mi sammy. The above website
>sez "sardines in tomato sauce", (which I've also eaten, but never on a
>banh-mi). Everyone has their own prferences.
>> I'm having a hard time thinking of my canned mustard coated sardines
>> on a sandwich with regular garden radishes on white or rye.

>Did I say "regular garden radishes". No. I merely pointed out some
>sammies have both the ingredients you mention. Note the "marinated"
>> How is the fish cooked?

>Canned sardines.
>> What else is on the sandwich?

>See above link.

o.k., so it really is canned sardines. thanks for the link.
Janet US