Thread: New Guy Alert
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Bruce[_28_] Bruce[_28_] is offline
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Default New Guy Alert

On Sat, 8 Jul 2017 07:41:04 +0100, "Ophelia" >

>"Ed Pawlowski" wrote in message ...
>Just abut everyone here should take a deep breath and assess how they
>have been posting. Most people here have either snipped at someone of
>have been snipped by someone. Civility is draining away.
>An infusion of new people would help, but just look at what happened
>when a new guy did show up, though he was a little part of it too.
>The different personalities is what make a group like this interesting
>but when the insults and derogatory comments start, it just goes into
>the dumper. My guess is that in person, this would be a great group of
>people but on the keyboard, civility comes in second toan off hand dig.
>Ed, this is exactly what poisoned and killed off the UK group
>I can see it happening here and that would be a big shame because there are
>some lovely people and I would miss them (
>They mostly went off to Facebook where nastiness isn't tolerated. A little
>kindness goes a long way but it seems to be at a premium here Complain
>about bad treatment and YOU are to blame.
>I am often invited to join the group and I must admit I am becoming tempted.
>This becomes very tiring

On the other hand, if nastyness could kill this group, it would have
died a long time ago