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cshenk cshenk is offline
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Default Tamales and cherries.

Ophelia wrote in

> "Julie Bove" wrote in message news >
> I finally found good tamales here and only had to buy two. Got beef
> ones at Central Market. Only problem is, I have no clue when they
> will get them again. They also sometimes sell something that we refer
> to as "puke on rice" because it looks like that. Some kind of Thai
> food that my husband loves. They also had that today so double
> score! But... They seem not to have that very often so they may not
> have the tamales either.
> Yesterday, I bought Royal Anne cherries at PCC. I wanted to try them
> as some here were raving about them. I am now convinced that they are
> what we had on the tree in our yard when I was a kid. Tree produced a
> ton of cherries until my uncle burned it down. We had a bad year with
> tent caterpillars and he said he would fix it. He set the tent of
> caterpillars on fire, effectively killing both them and the tree.
> Our neighbor merely told us that they were pie cherries and no good
> for eating. I did try eating one a few times. They were just meh.
> Never tried making a pie with them. I knew that those cherries looked
> like Royal Anne and after eating a few, I see that they were. Again,
> just meh. I do not see the appeal. Not sweet, not sour. I would eat
> them if I were starving. Otherwise, no. Thankfully there were a few
> Bing within my reach on my tree. Now those are some good eating. I
> doubt I'll get any more. Tree didn't produce many this year and most
> are far too high for me to get to. We had a bumper crop last year and
> some of Angela's friends who are more agile than me, picked the tree
> clean and took them home.
> ==
> Hmm you could have made it a rule that whatever they picked, they had
> to give you a few?
> You mentioned the tamales. Do they not freeze well?

Generally Tamales do not freeze that well. Oddly, they can be canned.
Not great that way but I've tried them once from a can and while no
place near a fresh one, they were interesting enough to finish.
