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Ophelia[_14_] Ophelia[_14_] is offline
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Default What happened to Sun Dried Tomatoes?

"Ed Pawlowski" wrote in message ...

I'd love to get another dog, but it would not be fair to the dog to
bring one into the house right now. My grandson though, took in two
dogs that would have been abandoned but he cannot afford to take proper
care with vet and food. So, I have two "foster dogs" that come to
visit. They get plenty of love and attention.


I am sure they do

Some people complain that others don't take rescue animals, others go
overboard and take too many.

I am sure I have recounted this before, but my latest rescue was found in a
regular house with 42 dogs and 2 cats The woman had died and they were
all starving.

I would love to take more than one, but this dog is terrified of all other
dogs, which is understandable. Anyway I couldn't manage more than 2.

At the rescue centre they had put her in with one of the other dogs from the
house and it bullied her dreadfully. So that is what she grew up with.
