What happened to Sun Dried Tomatoes?
jmcquown wrote:
>There is no reason to insist anyone adopt a pet before they are ready.
There's no good reason to insist on constantly orating about adopting
a replacement pet on a daily/hourly basis. Regardless the topic on a
public newsgroup when someone wants no comments then they need to STFU
about it... so long as Gary harps on the subject then he is inviting
comments... and of all types... I have just as much right to voice my
opinion here as anyone else. Please excuse the critter
comment/analogy but Gary is literally beating a dead horse. And after
about a year of posting a torrent of crocodile tears Gary has offered
not one good reason for not replacing his pet... after a year "NOT
BEING READY" is not any kind of reason... makes as much sense as a 40
year old woman not being ready to lose her virginity.