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Ophelia[_14_] Ophelia[_14_] is offline
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Default What happened to Sun Dried Tomatoes?

"Cheri" wrote in message news
"Ophelia" > wrote in message

> I would love to take more than one, but this dog is terrified of all other
> dogs, which is understandable. Anyway I couldn't manage more than 2.
> At the rescue centre they had put her in with one of the other dogs from
> the house and it bullied her dreadfully. So that is what she grew up with.

Same with Annie, something had torn most of her top muzzle quite deeply, and
she was extremely emaciated. She doesn't like other dogs at all and even
when we went to pick her up from Animal Friends Connection, she was hanging
back from the other dogs, not joining in with greeting us, but as soon as
she was away from them, she was quite active and very friendly.



They are desperate for love and kindness. It is so distressing to see them
like that but at least we can give them a good and happy life. Isn't the
difference in them is wonderful?

Poppy was skin and bone too with hardly any hair on her back. She doesn't
look like the same dog. The vet says I should put her on a diet ... no
chance) She is not huge and I will take care, but she deserves every
little treat she can get)) She is still terrified of almost everything,
but she soon comes for a cuddle and feels better )))
