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Ophelia[_14_] Ophelia[_14_] is offline
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Default Canned Corned Beef

"Wayne Boatwright" wrote in message

On Sun 09 Jul 2017 03:21:45p, told us...

> On Sun, 9 Jul 2017 14:19:21 -0700, Taxed and Spent
> > wrote:
>>A friend has an old family recipe for a meat filling that calls
>>for canned corned beef. I have never used this, but have heard
>>that today's canned corned beef is pretty much just sludge.
>>What if anything would one have to do with a real piece of corned
>>beef to emulate the canned corned beef of yesteryear?

> You COULD do that, and it would likely be better, in YOUR mind,
> but to someone who grew up on the original recipe, it would likely
> lead to complaints.

Most canned meats smell a lot like canned dog food to me, including
Spam. Nearly 60 years ago we fed our dog Ken-L-Ration canned dog food.
That smell memory is something I've never forgotten, and smells the
same as most canned meats.

I've seen things that people made using canned meat and they look
disgusting. Nowadays I wouldn't consider feeding any pet a canned meat
product meant for humans.

Wayne Boatwright


Well really it is down to them and maybe not everyone feels the same
as you.

I have always cooked fresh food for my dogs, but that is my choice.

What do you feed your cats?
