"Julie Bove" wrote in message news
"Ophelia" > wrote in message
> "Julie Bove" wrote in message news
> "Ophelia" > wrote in message
> ...
>> "Julie Bove" wrote in message news
>> "Ophelia" > wrote in message
>> ...
>>> "Wayne Boatwright" wrote in message
>>> 9.44...
>>> I joined Facebook the first year it was introduced, hoping to keep in
>>> touch with family and friends. Although that worked for a while,
>>> along with it came a shit load of crap that I never wanted, never
>>> asked for and could not manage to get rid of. Although I deactivated
>>> my account several years ago, I've never been successful in actually
>>> deleting my account. I wish I had never heard of Facebook!
>>> Wayne Boatwright
>>> ===
>>> Oh that is a shame
My granddaughter set it up for me and the only
>>> things I see are family and friends.
>>> I don't know how she did it but I never get any problems from anywhere.
>> That you know of. I was recently alerted to the fact that someone is
>> "liking" stuff for us. Sure enough, I had liked many TV shows, businesses
>> and products. Some, I had never heard of and never patronized or never
>> would. You should check your account.
>> ===
>> I am reading family and friends. I don't know what anyone else would be
>> interested in. But I think if I had 'problems' I would know it!
>> Years ago, I joined fb on the request of a friend on the group and got
>> the kind of problems you describe but I simply stopped and the mails
>> eventually stopped too.
>> I didn't know how to close an account though.
> I certainly didn't know. I am not one to go around "liking" all sorts of
> things. I only looked when a friend pointed out that his wife suddenly
> liked
> all these things that he knew she wouldn't. He thought it was Zuckerberg
> or
> someone else with Facebook using us as a form of free advertisement. I had
> nothing better to do so checked my account. Sure enough, someone went in
> there and "liked" a ton of things, perhaps partly based on my age, such as
> TV shows that were around when I was a kid. And perhaps partly based on
> other things that I actually did like. Such as Tillamook cheese. The
> person
> who did this must have assumed I was a big dairy liker or something. All
> of
> a sudden I liked things like Yoplait and other yogurts, ice cream
> companies
> and even other places that make cheese. Just not cool.
> I would normally not even have a reason to check to see what I liked.
> Which
> is how they are getting away with it. And it was not just me. After I
> pointed this out, many others noticed the same thing.
> ===
> Did you read what Bruce said? He had the same until he changed his
> password and then it stopped.
Mine has stopped. Didn't change my password.
Nor did I but it took a long time.