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Gary Gary is offline
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Default Cauliflower (WAS: These Technologies Are Changing Farms inSome Surprising Ways)

On 7/14/2017 4:27 AM, Ophelia wrote:
> "Wayne Boatwright" wrote:
> I detest zucchini in any form.
> D likes them cooked one way ... I spiralise them so they look like
> spaghetti, add spiralised carrot, chopped leeks and diced mushrooms. I
> use them as a side dish.

lol. here I am responding to 2 people that (I think) have me killfiled.
Oh well.

I've always wondered why so many people dislike zucchini. Maybe because
many people grow so much, then try to eat it all they get sick of it?

I was in upstate NY one year for a week right around labor day visiting
the in-laws. They had planted way too much corn and it was harvest time
when we were there. Every single meal included corn (even corn pancakes
for breakfast). It was just too much of a good thing. They couldn't even
give it away as all their neighbors also grew plenty.

Anyway, I once made my regular recipe of lasagna (in a 9X13 pyrex dish).
I cut zucchini thin lengthwise and used that as a substitute for the
pasta. It was a big hit and many friends asked for the recipe after I
let them taste mine.

I would do this again but my grocery store charges way too much for
fresh vegetables most of the time.