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Ophelia[_14_] Ophelia[_14_] is offline
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Default Cauliflower (WAS: These Technologies Are Changing Farms in Some Surprising Ways)

"jmcquown" wrote in message news
On 7/15/2017 10:42 AM, Ophelia wrote:
> "jmcquown" wrote in message news >
> On 7/15/2017 4:40 AM, Ophelia wrote:
>> "jmcquown" wrote in message news >> On 7/13/2017 11:23 AM, Ophelia wrote:
>>> "Nancy Young" wrote in message ...
>>> On 7/12/2017 9:18 PM, jmcquown wrote:
>>>> Of course the hosts all ooohed and ahhhhed over it everything she did
>>>> with cauliflower. She even riced it with mushrooms, said bake it for
>>>> 30 minutes, then used it as a sub for beef in tacos. Okay...
>>>> Fortunately, cauliflower is pretty bland so it does take on the
>>>> flavours of whatever you add to it.
>>> I can't tell you how many times I've heard how delicious cauliflower
>>> rice is. I'd try it if someone put it in front of me, if nothing else
>>> I like cauliflower.
>>> nancy
>>> ==
>>> I don't but D loves cauliflower rice. I put it through a fine slicer
>>> and it breaks up into 'rice'. I cook it in the MW for 9 minutes. No
>>> water.
>>> The reason I don't put it through a 'grater' is that the 'rice' gets
>>> too small and it goes mushy when cooked.

>> In the riced cauliflower for stir-fried "rice" dish (they used a fancy
>> food processor) they did say to add it last because it releases a lot of
>> water and gets mushy otherwise.
>> Jill
>> ==
>> Thanks, I hadn't seen that

> I didn't type out the specifics because it's just something I heard on a
> cooking segment on a morning TV show in the US (The Today Show). I'm
> sure if I looked I could find all the cauliflower recipes from that
> segment. Ah yes! here's the link, hope you can view it:
> The recipes don't necessarily include the commentary I heard when
> watching the show. But she specifically said ( the fried "rice") to
> add it last because it releases a lot of water.
> Jill
> ==
> Yes I can see it Thanks for that, it has given me new ideas to use it


> I can understand how cauli loses water when it is very finely chopped.
> I only tried that once. As I said, it turned into mush

Yes, it will.

> When I make mine, I cook the additions first and then add the cauli just
> to heat through.
> It seems to work well enough for D)

That's pretty much what I said, eh? Add the cauliflower last.

I baked (roasted?) a whole head of caulflower in the oven once. I have
no idea where I got the notion. I trimmed the leaves, patted the entire
head of cauliflower with some buttered seasoned breadcrumbs. I do
believe there was some freshly grated Parmesan cheese in there. Put it
in an oven safe baking dish with about 1 inch water. Baked it at 350F
for about an hour, until fork tender. OMG, it was delicious!



I thought I had responded to this but I can't see it.

No matter, do you make it a lot? I am thinking that might be something D
might enjoy! I will ask if I remember
