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Default Ping: to John Kuthe

On Fri, 14 Jul 2017 22:22:25 -0400, Dave Smith
> wrote:

>On 2017-07-14 7:32 PM, jmcquown wrote:
>> On 7/14/2017 6:57 PM, Sqwertz wrote:

>>> He can also evict John. Wait until John fixes up the place some more
>>> and gets his Certificate of Occupancy. Landlord doesn't even need a
>>> reason or the 30-day notice. Falsely collecting and depositing rent -
>>> a criminal complaint rather than civil - is grounds for in immediate
>>> eviction.
>>> -sw

>> He absolutely could. Certificate of Occupancy aside (we all know it's
>> not up to code) unless John turns that rent money over to the still
>> LEGAL owner by the due date, it's theft. He could also be charged with
>> fraud. Either way, go directly to jail, do not pass GO.

>I have to wonder about local codes for rooming houses. It could be a
>rude surprise to discover that he might have to spend thousands more on

That it may not meet code as a rooming house was the first thing I
mentioned very early on... for all anyone knows the Chinaman has
already been hit with a demolition warning which is why he's trying to
find a sucker buyer who knows less than zero about real estate...
looks like he found the perfect putz. This is going to be the drama
of the century when Kootchie spends many thousands bringing a house up
to code that he doesn't own, doesn't get his month to month tenancy
renewed, and no sale. Kootchie can take comfort in knowing that he's
not the first one to have that happen to them... just remember who
told you so... I can already smell that coming, actually I can taste
that coming. That will be fitting Chinese revenge for all the times
Kootchie called him a "Cheap Chink".