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Graham Graham is offline
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Default to John Kuthe

On 2017-07-15 12:46 PM, Janet wrote:
> In article >, says...
>>> Sadly to say, the US loves to involve attorneys, real estate agents
>>> (buyers and sellers agents) and all sorts of paperwork. That's before
>>> the actual deal. Your method sounds so much cleaner and easier.
>>> Jill
>>> ==
>>> I would bet yours is much more expensive too(

>> Of course! Real estates and attorneys get commission for brokering the
>> deal.

> Estate agents here charge the seller to market their property. The
> buyer and seller both employ lawyers and pay fees for their services.
> The buyer also pays a professional surveyor to examine the building
> structure (mortgage lenders insist on this). In Scotland, the seller
> also has to pay a surveyor to prepare an initial property report.
> Since neither of you know what the comparative charges are in the
> other country it's pointless claiming which is more expensive.
> Janet UK

Realtors here charge 7% on the first $100k and 3.5% after that. Scum of
the earth!!!!!