to John Kuthe
On Sun, 16 Jul 2017 07:53:05 -0400, Gary > wrote:
>On 7/15/2017 7:24 PM, Bruce wrote:
>> Lol. I'm getting better with the pythons. They're easy to identify and
>> not venomous, although they can bite. Anything else I won't touch,
>> because some common types are potentially lethal.
>Any chance that was an "Australian Python?" My daughter bought a baby
>one once (without my permission). It was the size of a pencil. They only
>grow to about 3 feet long.
>I was taking care of it once when she was off for a few days. I reached
>my hand into the cage to change the water bowl and it bit me. Very quick
>bite and retreat. I've caught many wild snakes before but this one was
>the only snake bite. I knew it wasn't poisonous so I just cleaned the
>wound and treated it.
>Luckily for "Willy," I didn't go back and kill the evil *******. hehehe
It was a coastal python or diamond python. They get up to 1.5 metres
long, but this one was young and under a metre. A good practice snake
for me.