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>(Sam) says:
>we ate yesterday at an 'italian' resturant ordering spaghetti
>the plate was of macaroni spirals mixed about in bolognese sauce.
>it did not resemble my preconceptional idea that spaghetti bolognese
>is a dish of cooked spaghetti or other long thin pasta with bologese
>sauce neatly poured on the top.
>the waiter and the owners said that macaroni is the same as spagetti.
>as i am not italian i felt i wasnt in a position to argue with people
>who have been eating these dishes since their childhood.
>Maybe some here could enlighten me, can you use macaroni spirals and
>still call it spaghetti bologese? would you serve it that way in your

Hey, you're lucky they didn't open a can of Chef Boyardee.

So what's the name and location of that joint, so we'll know to stay away.

Btw, it's not the pasta part you need to worry about... who knows what/who is
in that fercocktah bolognese... never ever order anything mystery meat-ish...
stick to marinara.

---= Move UNITED NATIONS To Paris =---
"Life would be devoid of all meaning were it without tribulation."