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Bruce[_28_] Bruce[_28_] is offline
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Default Brits and lemonade stands

On Fri, 21 Jul 2017 23:27:09 -0400, Ed Pawlowski > wrote:

>A five-year-old girl was fined £150 by a council for selling 50p cups of
>lemonade to festival goers.
>The girl's father Andre Spicer said his daughter had set up the stall in
>Mile End, east London, while thousands of music fans were on their way
>to the Lovebox Festival at the weekend.
>Mr Spicer said his daughter burst into tears and told him "I've done a
>bad thing".
>Tower Hamlets Council has since cancelled the fine and apologised.
>FineImage copyrightANDRE SPICER
>Image caption
>The girl was fined for trading without a licence
>Mr Spicer said his daughter loved the idea of setting up a stall near
>their home.
>"She just wanted to put a smile on people's faces. She was really proud
>of herself," he said.
>"But after a small time trading, four enforcement officers walked over
>from the other side of the road.
>"I was quite shocked. I thought that they would just tell us to pack up
>and go home.
>"But they turned on their mobile camera and began reading from a big
>script explaining that she did not have a trading licence.
>"My daughter clung to me screaming 'Daddy, Daddy, I've done a bad
>thing.' She's five.
>"We were then issued a fine of £150. We packed up and walked home."
>A council spokesman said: "We are very sorry that this has happened. We
>expect our enforcement officers to show common sense and to use their
>powers sensibly.
>"This clearly did not happen.
>"The fine will be cancelled immediately and we have contacted Mr Spicer
>and his daughter to apologise."

<Janet UK>
It was a beautiful English summer's day. Everybody was singing
authentic English folk songs, holding hands and smiling at each other.
All the rest is fake news.
</Janet UK>