On 7/22/2017 7:37 AM, jmcquown wrote:
> On 7/21/2017 11:27 PM, Ed Pawlowski wrote:
>> http://www.bbc.com/news/uk-england-london-40679075
>> A five-year-old girl was fined £150 by a council for selling 50p cups of
>> lemonade to festival goers.
> Oh dear. That poor girl! A five year old can't get a license and I'm
> sure her parents never gave it a thought. It was a small table with
> some pitchers of lemonade. What's the problem? I'm glad they dropped
> it. The whole thing sounds ridiculous. (It's not as if the parents
> thought their 5 year old was going to rake in mega-bucks via a lemonade
> stand.)
> Jill
Seems to happen every year. There was one recently where a Grumpy Old
Man called the police on a young girl Police came, each bought a
lemonade and had their photo take with the kid.
Years ago when they were small, our visiting granddaughters took a
pitcher of fresh made lemondage and set up in front of the house. We
get little traffic but the police cr that went by stopped and bought
some. It was from fresh squeezed lemons too.