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Default Delivered Meal Kits

On Sun, 23 Jul 2017 06:59:11 -0400, Gary > wrote:

>> If you are very busy, or are inconvenienced then a delivered meal
>> might be tempting. They have 'Meals to go" in my supermarket but I
>> don't bother, not my sort of taste and expensive, but they sell.

>While I'm still working, a good frozen dinner is fine for me on
>busy days. If I run out of home-cooked-and-frozen meals, I have
>no problem buying some of the commercial frozen dinners. I always
>keep a few favorites on hand. They have vastly improved since the
>1960's Swanson frozen turkey dinners. I don't turn my nose up at
>I love to cook but not so much after a long day at work then
>still chores at home to do.

That's why it's good to own some larger cookware... home cooked left
overs are always leagues ahead of TV Dinners. Three days ago I cooked
pot roast for dinner, enough for two more times. Tonight dozen egg
potato omelets, will be for tomorrow too. After working outside all
day I don't feel like cooking either, nor do I have the time to do a
meal justice, and we don't mind eating the same thing 2-3 days in a
row... I could never understand the logic of people who won't eat left
overs, if pot roast was good the first day it would be better the
second day, and even better the third day. The best thing about left
over is all the hours saved from kitchen chores. Besides left overs
for a day or two when possible I cook enough to stock a few meals in
the freezer too. Even pot roast freezes well except for the potatoes,
so turn the extras into potato salad... cold sliced pot roast is
excellent for sandwhiches.

I never bother to look at those frozen meals in the store's freezer
case, the few times I tried them they made me gack, became crow
food.... last time a couple years ago on a recomendation I bought a
three pound tray of frozen swedish meatballs... inedible... shoulda
been labeled greasy stale bread balls, shoulda known when meat was the
third ingredient listed.