On Sun, 23 Jul 2017 00:08:11 -0400, Ed Pawlowski > wrote:
>On 7/22/2017 7:45 PM, jmcquown wrote:
>> Here's an article which states they aren't all that. And no, they won't
>> make you and your children have a better time together.
>> http://time.com/4863064/amazon-meal-...apron-cooking/
>> Meanwhile, sorry but I'd rather not. I'm pretty good putting meals
>> together without someone sending ingredients in a box.
>> Jill
>I mentioned before that I tried Hello Fresh. They have a place but a
>real foodies can do equal or better.
>Ingredients are good quality
>Quantity is good for two people.
>Prep is not difficult, but it is not a big time saver. Most meals are 30
>minutes or so.
>It does save shopping trips
>You do have packing material and a big ice pack to dispose of
>Depending on your lifestyle, it is cheaper and faster than going to a
>restaurant if you are a working couple. Cheaper than a restaurant but
>certainly more than DIY
>Some of the offerings are not what you may make as part of your routine.
>One reason I tried it was I found I was getting into a rut making
>similar meals over and over.
Truth is there really aren't all that many different meals, just look
at a decent restaurant's menu that you patronize under entrees... may
be twenty items half of which you'd not eat. It's the
appetizers/sides/desserts that offer change ups, and naturally food is
seasonal. Many of the foods I cook aren't on restaurant menus; all
sorts of stews, casserols, meat loaves, and of course a plethora of
homemade soups that are a whole meal in themselves.
>They have a place for working couples, but not so much for a real foodie
>that likes to cook.
I keep a well stocked pantry so I'd not be at all interested in an
over priced box of groceries I'd need to cook... plus I don't want
anyone choosing my fresh meats and produce. I'd call that box of
ingredients Grab Bag Dining. However I do admit to enjoying those old
time baked goods auctions, the PTA sponsors them a few times a year
and I was never disappointed... last time I didn't mind bidding $20 on
a home made peach cobbler, was excellent and I considered the price a
donation to a good cause. The money helped buy supplies for the local
school's fiber arts club. My wife has been teaching the kids knitting
but they need yarn, needles, buttons, and various supplies. Other
people volunteer to teach dyeing and spinning. Many of the kids here
raise their own animals for shearing but they don't know how to knit.